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Lechner, Christel


* November 10, 1947 Iserlohn

Christel Lechner first became known for her giant white chickens made of concrete. Since 1996, the artist has almost exclusively created huge human figures; “The Alltagsmenschen” made of concrete have long since become her unmistakable trademark. Since 2004, Christel Lechner has been supported by her daughter Laura, who has also been running the studio at the Lechnerhof in Witten since 2017.

The Alltagsmenschen are figures such as the reading lady, the thinker or the swimmer, or smaller groups of figures such as the couple on the bench, two women shopping or three people taking a shower. A dance group, an entire waiting room full of people or even a polonaise with 17 individuals are larger installations that represent the everyday life of people in a new and realistic way. Single figures by Christel Lechner have found a permanent place in various German cities; in addition, there are annually changing exhibitions in Germany, but also in other European countries.